マツナミ ヤスオ MATSUNAMI Yasuo
松波 康男
所属 明治学院大学 社会学部 社会学科
職種 准教授
発表年月日 2021/11/06
発表テーマ Where Muslim Spirits Possess Christian Mediums: the Hadra Meeting in Boset, Ethiopia
会議名 ASC-TUFS 5th Anniversary International Symposium
主催者 The African Studies Center at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (ASC-TUFS)
開催地名 Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
学会区分 研究会・シンポジウム等
発表形式 口頭(一般)
単独共同区分 単独
国名 日本
開催期間 2021/11/03 ~ 2021/11/06
発表者・共同発表者 Yasuo Matsunami
概要 The religious composition in Ethiopia reveals that Christians are the majority and Muslims have been increasing their share in recent years. Historically, Christianity (Ethiopian Orthodox) has been the major religion of the highlanders in the north, which was the political centre of the country. Islam has expanded mainly among the Oromo living in the lowlands. However, while this dichotomy illustrates the contrasting situation from a broad perspective, religious practices, which are an integral part of people's lives, are not clearly divided into Islam and Christianity. For instance, many Christians participate in the Hadra meeting, originally derived from Muslims, which is prevalent in the Oromo communities of the East Showa region. They chant the name of Allah and praise Muslim saints during the ritual. Therefore, this study focuses on the religious complexity of this ritual and how the complexity relates to ethnicity and local history.