トーマス ダックス THOMAS Dax
所属 明治学院大学 教養教育センター
職種 助教
言語種別 英語
発行・発表の年月 2006/03
形態種別 【MISC】研究論文<査読なし>
査読 査読あり
標題 Second Language Word Associations: How Japanese make mental links between English words they have learned
執筆形態 単著
掲載誌名 University of Birmingham Centre for English Language Studies website
掲載区分 国外
概要 In this multiple-response word association test study Japanese responses to word association stimuli did not coincide with Western paradigmatic response norms but instead tended towards a syntagmatic association. The study also showed that multiple response WATs may be a more accurate means of investigating how words are linked in the mind than traditional single-response tests.