ノムラ ノブタケ NOMURA Nobutake
野村 信威
所属 明治学院大学 心理学部 心理学科
職種 教授
発表年月日 2018/11/13
発表テーマ Ethnic diversity in narratives of individual reminiscence interviews in Canada
会議名 International Reminiscence and Life Review Conference 2018 (Boston, MA)
主催者 International Institute for Reminiscence & Life Review
開催地名 Hilton Boston Back Bay, Boston, MA, USA
学会区分 国際学会
発表形式 口頭(一般)
単独共同区分 単独
発表者・共同発表者 Nobutake Nomura (Visiting Professor Department of Psychology, Langara College/Department of Psychology, Meiji Gakuin University)
Jeffrey Dean Webster (Department of Psychology, Langara College)
概要 Individual reminiscence interviews were conducted with 16 older adults living in Vancouver with ethnic and racial diversity. Participants were recruited at a community center and 16 older adults participated in four, 60-minute life review interviews.
The participants consisted of 7 men and 9 women, with an average age of 76.6 years (SD=6.2). Six of the participants were white/Caucasian, 4 were Indian, 3 were Chinese, 2 were Filipino and 1 was Japanese. Four were born in Canada and 12 were immigrants.
Participants were asked to complete the satisfaction with life scale (SWLS) and the Rosenberg Self-Esteem (RSE) before and after the series of interviews, and psychological effects through interviews were examined.