ヴィシー アレクサンダー マーシャル VESEY Alexander M
VESEY,Alexander Marshall
所属 明治学院大学 国際学部 国際キャリア学科
職種 教授
言語種別 英語
発行・発表の年月 2015/09
形態種別 【論文】研究論文(学術雑誌)<査読あり>
査読 査読あり
標題 Temples, Timber, and Negotiations: Buddhist-Lay Relations in Early Modern Japan through the Prism of Conflicts over Mountain Resources
執筆形態 【単著】単著
掲載誌名 Japan Review: Journal of the International Research Center for Japanese Studies
掲載区分 国内
出版社・発行元 International Research Center for Japanese Studies
巻・号・頁 28,67-101
概要 This article uses data on the silvicultural activities of a prominent early modern Shingi Shingon temple to discuss the Buddhist clergy's multi faceted social relationships with rural lay communities. The temple in question was Yakuô-in on Mt. Takao. Although the clergy held a higher position in the Tokugawa era status system, and it had received economic support of the Tokugawa house, this article shows how nearby peasant communities were able to utilise their own status rights and obligations to negotiate favourable conditions for accessing forest resources on the mountain. The results of this research offers a perspective of clerical-lay interactions that counters commonly held views regarding the clergy's ability to dominate and occasionally abuse lay believers.
ISSNコード 0915-0986