ツゲ アヅミ TSUGE Azumi
柘植 あづみ
所属 明治学院大学 社会学部 社会学科
職種 教授
発表年月日 2006/06
発表テーマ Changing Views towards Women's Bodies, the Fetus, and Eggs in the High Tech Age
会議名 Reproduction, Globalization and the State
開催地名 Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Conference and Stu
会議区分 国際会議
講演区分 その他
招待講演フラグ 招待講演
概要 Through this presentation I would like to demonstrate some contradictory phenomena, concerning women’s bodies, the fetuses, and eggs, which are caused by reproductive technologies and advanced medical technologies, to highlight and analyze factors affecting women’s decisions on reproduction in three main domains.