アイバ ケイコ AIBA Keiko
合場 敬子
所属 明治学院大学 国際学部 国際キャリア学科
職種 教授
発表年月日 2023/07/02
発表テーマ Hairless Bodies and Female High School Students
会議名 Asian Studies Conference Japan (ASCJ)
開催地名 東京
学会区分 国際学会
発表形式 シンポジウム・ワークショップ パネル(公募)
単独共同区分 単独
国名 日本
開催期間 2023/07/01 ~ 2023/07/02
概要 This presentation was conducted by the panel "Beauty Norms and Lookism in Japan." I organized this panel. This panel has three presenters, Aiba, Miki Nishikura, and Maho Isono. This panel considers beauty norms and lookism in Japan by providing cutting-edge and valuable research. While my paper examines one of the beauty norms, Nishikura’s paper and Isono’s paper focus on lookism. My paper focuses on hair removal as one of the dominant beauty norms required for many women by interviewing 32 female high school students. My paper shows that because removing body hair has become the minimum grooming practice for female students in their high school, they cannot choose not to remove body hair.
researchmap用URL https://ascjapan.org/2023-ascj-conference-schedule/