サトウ ツトム SATO Tsutomu
佐藤 努
所属 明治学院大学 文学部 英文学科
職種 教授
発表年月日 2017/07/14
発表テーマ The Durational Ratios of Short and Long Segments in Mele and their Linguistic Functions
会議名 The 10th Conference On Oceanic Linguistics (COOL 10).
開催地名 Honiara, Solomon.
学会区分 国際学会
発表形式 口頭(一般)
単独共同区分 単独
概要 This presentation aims to clarify the durational ratios (DR) of short and long segments in Mele (Imere), one of Polynesian Outliers spoken in Vanuatu, and data collection was conducted in Mele village. Not only short and long vowels but also short and long consonants perform to show grammatical distinctions, in addition to the semantic contrasts. The DR in Mele was found out to be 1.17, and the value will be compared with those of other six non-Polynesian languages. Two other fieldworks were held on Tuvaluan and Hawaiian, and the DRs and linguistic functions of these languages will be compared with this Mele result, such as singular and plural differences and active and passive differences.